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SDGs Handbook


国土緑化推進機構発行の『森林×企業 SDGsハンドブック』にて本会の取り組みが事例として紹介されました。

SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals,持続可能な開発目標)とは、貧困や気候変動、平和、環境など世界が抱える課題に対処するため、国連が定めた17の目標です。






National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization released hand books for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our club and activities are introduced as one of the applications.

The actions for forests can contribute to 14 goals of 17 SDGs so saving forests can save the world.

We are introduced in the area of collaboration of forests and communications. And it introduces our activities of the activation of the local communities and utilization of the forests, and creation of the new services of the forests.

In presence, we are acting by respecting to the philosophy of Minami-Alps Unesco Eco-Park and contributing to the cycling promotions in Yamanashi prefecture. And we are maintaining and patrolling local forests and trails with small damages to the nature. Also we are slowly realizing local activation and population increases by mountainbiking.

But we are one of the local mountainbike communities in Japan. Many people related to mountainbiking are also struggling to activate forests and local communities and we are just following them, we would like to thank all the people. We will continue our activities to make the mountainbiking in Japan and local communities better.

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